Learn More About the African American and African Studies Major and Minor

African American and African Studies advisors are available to meet with current AAAS students to enhance their academic, personal, and professional development. If you are seeking to change your major or minor into AAAS or want to learn more about them, set up an appointment with advisors either via email or your Student Information System.

Currently, all advising appointments are being done remotely by Zoom. If available slots on the appointment website below do not work for you, email one of our advisors and let us know when you are free to meet. 

Scheduling Advising Appointments

IMPORTANT: To access the Student Information System, you need an MSU Two-Factor Authentication account. Visit the MSU Two-Factor Authentication website for more information. 

The appointment system opens up 14 days in advance. If you do not see anything open, it means that the advisor is full for the next 14 days. You must schedule an appointment 24 hours in advance.  

  • Log in to your Student Information System at https://student.msu.edu 
  • Select the “Academic Progress” tile. 
  • Click the tab on the left, labeled “Advising/Tutoring Appointments”
  • Click “Create New Appointment”in the upper right corner. 
    • Category: choose “Advising” 
    • Advising/Tutoring Unit: select “College of Arts & Letters” 
    • Appointment Reason: select the applicable reason (i.e., “AAAS major,” “AAAS minor,” etc.) *You must click on the magnifying glass icon and scroll until you find your applicable major or minor. You cannot type them in here. If you click on “Description,” it will alphabetically sort AAAS to the top 
    • Additional Information: include further details to help the advisor prepare for your appointment 
    • Appointment Type: select “Zoom” 
    • Click on “Select Advisor” 
    • Click the “Time Selected” drop-down menu to view available times. 
    • Click on “Select Time” to confirm the appointment. 
    • Click “Book It!” 

For directions that include a visual guide on how to schedule appointments, click here

AAAS Academic Advisors 

Academic advising is an important form of teaching that takes place outside the classroom. Your AAAS academic advisors will work with students to design pathway to fit their unique needs, interests, and goals. Advisors ensure students are progressing toward meeting graduation requirements, provide personal, academic, and professional resources, and share opportunities with students that exist within the College of Arts and Letter, the university, locally as well as at the national and international level.

Academic Specialist 

Academic Specialist

How often should I meet with my advisor? 

We suggest that you meet with your advisor regularly, at least once a semester, to receive assistance with schedule planning, utilizing MSU and CAL resources, career planning, and much more! Anytime you have an academic question you should contact your advisor. While some questions can be handled by email, many issues benefit from a face-to-face conversation. 

How should I prepare for my advising appointment? 

Before visiting your advisor, you should: 

  • Reflect on how you are doing in your classes 
  • Review the College of Arts and Letters, AAAS major, or AAAS minor requirements 
  • Think about any questions you might have about your major, the College of Arts and Letters, or the University 
  • Consider what classes you might be interested in taking during enrollment season each semester to make sure you are on track to graduate in a timely manner