Are you interested in building community?
Do you desire to work with young people?
Have you ever wondered about being in a collective?
Are you excited to celebrate Black girls and femmes?
If so, come to Black Girl Genius Week at MSU! Everyone is invited~
Black Girl Genius Week is November 10-17th, 2022!
The first two events (11/10 and 11/11) are online, and you can register for them by clicking on the links below:
November 10th – https://msu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EYgfllUHQee4Y63Xrm59ng
November 11th – https://msu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XvZrlDI6TOmr664_IIHk0g
All other events are in AAAS (2nd Floor N. Kedzie) or at another MSU location and we hope to see you there! Please do share this information with anyone you know who is also interested. We are going to have a good time in celebration of Black girlhood- come as you are and see what Saving Our Lives Hear Our Truths (SOLHOT) is all about! Wishing you all joy in abundance!